5.45 AM noww in the morning. Couldn't sleep at all already, i guess. Yesterday, i was really tired at the end until i went to bed early. Andd now, i'm awake. Just feeling abit drowsy & will went back to sleep again. I was boredd, soo yahh. Currently using my iPhone to type it out.
Soo long i never update uhh.. I just feel lazy, that's all. Hmmm all i can say is, alot of sad feelings i have for the past weeks & days. I'm really tired of this already as it hurt me very badly. Yeahh uhh, she had mixed feelings. Between me & "him". That "him" is actually my Primary school friend. He's currently in ITE. How he met her? It was the day when Semb pri Carnival we meet. Then we bumped into her as we passby at block. From there, it was the day he met her & my day first time lepakk with her also. My friend even can whispered at me, if she's single or not.
At first i didn't like her at all but she's kinda a good friend to me after we started texting each other. But now, i realised that she was actually after me. Soo yeahh, from there she followed us all the way, after my friend ask her to come along. After he went back home, it left me & her only at a chair there where we last seating together, waiting for Bus. In my mind, imma goo speechless for sure. But, she kept talking at me & i somehow didn't stop talking too. As if we already know each other for soo long already. We talked, laugh & even give me homework. To find out who's the person she referring to. Well, don't under restimate a "detective". Not even 1 week, i already figure it out. Anyway, from there is where i started to like her, bit by bit. Even send her home as well.
I was shyy to say that i like her but my best friend help me instead. But it was already too late after few days. She pick someone else that was into her as well & attached. I was really heart broken at the end, Emo-ing the next few days. Then started to hate that guy. Somemore
he's a good friend of mine too. But when it comes to girls, tskk.. Like every month keep on change girl. She was one of them already uhh. Like 2-3 days he already get that girl soo easily.
Well, i was really have a mixed feeling too on that day. But slowly, i choose her at the end, until now. But then, something bad happened, not even a month yet. Soo yeahh, they broke up. Then now, i still really into her but ended up mixed feeling with me & my friend. We're both given 1 month for her to think & comfirm which person she wanna choose. But really, i don't think she'll pick me for sure.