Alright, same thing, working. But today i guess i'm slacking, like didn't carry soo much stuffs. But more on lorry, travelling there and here, delivering stuffs. Then some others need some more stuffs, like boxes and all. Then back to warehouse to take it then deliver to them. Uhh, 2 places uhh. And it's just Kamarool, the driver(of course), me and that damn India -.-
Yeahh same thing, he did make the 3 of us mad, as always. Worked for 2 years but his brain like blur2. Even the driver said that to us. The first thing, just carry and pushed few furnitures. Not soo many, like about 3-4 like that. They wanna dumped it. But the driver take 2 of it since they wanna throw it away. Hmm, then go to that driver house, at Marsling. Then we helped to carry it to his house then leave. Still have much time. And that is the time where the driver get the msg saying that we need to deliver some straw boards and boxes to them. And yahh, to warehouse, take the stuffs then deliver to them. And finally, this whatever damn giant box that have been behind the lorry from the starting day, need to deliver it. "Uhh, are we gonna carry this huge damn box??" Duhh, we need to open it then take out all the boxes inside it then bring it up to their house. Just a few boxes only, like about 4-6? Ouhh. Not just that, some of the boxes is like stones inside it. Damn heavy, need 2 person to carry. wtf. Hmm, finish already, like only bout 10mins we take. Still got alott extra/free time. Uhh, back to warehouse, throw out some rubbish then kay, done. But syoik ah, Kamarool and me nothing to do, we just punch boxes. -_- I didn't notice that the Manager is over there too O_o
Hmm kay, tomorrow gaji. HAHA, pay day luhh. Earned only $100. Last Monday don't have work luhh. If tomorrow got, then $100. If not, then only $50.
Kayy luhh, i don't wanna post it until sch reopen or further more. I'm lazy now and not soo active on my comp now . :S
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Yeahh, didn't post anything yesterday. Kinda tired and lazy. Hmm, only earn $100 instead of $150 and goes the same to rest of my friends there. Noo work for us today. Only some people. Very less at there and like about only 2 lorry. Lerr, today don't have soo much houses luhh. Like about only 2. They no need to have alot of people. SOo yeah. Iqmal, Zul and Me off then saw our friends and some others just come. "Where are you all going?" Luhh, under the block to relax, no job for us today. But don't know if you guys got or not. Then halfway,
some of them come back to us, under the block where we seated. They have no jobs too. But we need to come back at 3PM to take our Pay luhh. Wahh, super long uhh. Iqmal already leave, need go somewhere else. Then soon is me, wanna go back home. Cos soo boring. :S
Kayy, then meet Afique at Admiralty yesterday night to lepak since we didn't lepak for like almost 1 week cos of me working. Blanja him KFC, then we eat together at there, talk alot. Afique said that if i blanja him, no need to pay. If Shahrul, everything must pay back. Duhh yeahh. Shahrul soo rich wadd, we don't know where he get soo much money. Since he sooooooooo rich, then just blanja him or some others that needed and no need to pay back larhs. You soo rich siahh. -.- Since i'm working and earning money every 2-3days, i blanja but no need to pay back but not like Shahrul rite?? -.-
Hmm anyway, hangout with Afique again today. We going to Yishun. :O Then tomorrow, we can't hangout again for 1 week, as always uhh. Haha .
some of them come back to us, under the block where we seated. They have no jobs too. But we need to come back at 3PM to take our Pay luhh. Wahh, super long uhh. Iqmal already leave, need go somewhere else. Then soon is me, wanna go back home. Cos soo boring. :S
Kayy, then meet Afique at Admiralty yesterday night to lepak since we didn't lepak for like almost 1 week cos of me working. Blanja him KFC, then we eat together at there, talk alot. Afique said that if i blanja him, no need to pay. If Shahrul, everything must pay back. Duhh yeahh. Shahrul soo rich wadd, we don't know where he get soo much money. Since he sooooooooo rich, then just blanja him or some others that needed and no need to pay back larhs. You soo rich siahh. -.- Since i'm working and earning money every 2-3days, i blanja but no need to pay back but not like Shahrul rite?? -.-
Hmm anyway, hangout with Afique again today. We going to Yishun. :O Then tomorrow, we can't hangout again for 1 week, as always uhh. Haha .
Friday, June 18, 2010
We sempat take picture of us since that guyy bring down
the stuffs damn slow~
Yeah, we was kinda bored and have nothing to do.

the stuffs damn slow~
Yeah, we was kinda bored and have nothing to do.

This is one annoying guy asking me this stupid question
that he is already know. -.-
that he is already know. -.-
Tomorrow you work?
Tomorrow you work?
Of course lah
Of course lah no work on Sunday. I already asked him damn early
when is my work days. And of course, Sunday don't have work. Then asked me, Sat(tomorrow) got work? Omg, obviously YES. PAY DAY UH! Seriously,
this is one annoying question to me.
when is my work days. And of course, Sunday don't have work. Then asked me, Sat(tomorrow) got work? Omg, obviously YES. PAY DAY UH! Seriously,
this is one annoying question to me.
Wahh, today Zul, Iqmal A. and me same group. Whee~ Ouhh wait, that is 1 of the damn guy that day with me last Monday uhh. His face looks difference when he see me. Yeah, after that guy go, i said to Zul and Mal that he is one of them that veryy cb. -.- No wonder his face looks difference when that guy sees me. Alright, need to go this MRT station to pick up one more person before start working. Luhh. Zul, Mal and me is the only person seating at the back of the lorry, lepak2. Hmm, after reached that MRT station, DUH!! It's another 1 of the guy that is >.< Somemore he seat with us at the back of the lorry. His reaction so late uh, after seating down like about 30secs, then he notice me that i'm with this group. "Ehkk, don't mess around this time uh". I was like, kay yah2. Padehal he is finding trouble with me last Monday. While Zul and Mal like eye signal to me and some head signal saying that this is another 1 of the guy that annoy me rite? I kinda nod my head abit. Then that guy talked to me, if i got work last Tues/Wed. Wtheck?? Soo i acted dumb at him by saying "Huh?? Can't hear properly lah, too noisy here!" then he said to me again, the same question. "Whatt!? Ouhh sry, seriously i can't hear!". Zul and Mal started to like OMGG! Then Zul asked me what he say to me, then i hmm, ouhh yah2, gort2. Yepp! Duhh, that guy give me that stupid face. HAHA! Zul and Mal thought that i really didn't hear or pekak, padehal i did. That is called, purposely. :P
Halfway, rain. We used whatever that thing called, to cover each other from raining. Since me and Zul seat beside, we share and covered everything. Then whispered at each other. "Yah2, that is the guy i'm talking about~" After that guy drop off, "Ehkk Zul, just now i purposely act dumb and can't hear what that guy are saying to me larhs. I just feel like wanna do that. Cos it's a stupid question he asked me luhh." -.-
Kayy, all the boxes/furnitures is moving in. Omg, serious or what!? Then we can end early after just moving in. AHAHA! Kay cool, yesterday me and Zul end work super early, guess today we're early too. Haiiz, that India make Zul, Me and the Driver(I don't know his name yet) make super angryy. Me and Zul was madd at him first. All he know is wanna end work fast then can go back home fast. Then keep asking Zul and me to help pushing in the trolley in the lift. Walaoo, just in front of him only, the he needs help. Wtf?? Me and Zul was busy stacking boxes at outside luhh. Then, he keep on cutting the boxes but the driver said no need to cut. Then again, that guy keep cutting it again after bringing it down. But the funniest is, when the door lift open, Zul and me saw him cutting the boxes. OMG DO YOU UNDERSTAND ENG!? DON'T CUT THE BOXES!. Omgg... we kinda angry and mad at him already.. We pushed the trolley and some big boxes in the box. Then he asked Zul and me to come up with him to help. Kay2.. While he talking, we didn't even listen to him. Wahh, some more, he supervisor and said that he worked 3 years already, but what is this siahh!? After come out from lift, we found out that Iqmal is the one keep on cutting the boxes. WOII NONO DON'T CUT! LERRR!!! Wahh, then from just now Zul, the driver and me, scolding him, until bad words come out is for nothing. It's Iqmal doing all this. Kayy, we go back down and help back. Iqmal tell me that the driver come up and asking, who is the one who keep on cutting the boxes? Iqmal said don't know. Then he blame that India guyy. Baskett siahh. HAHA! Iqmal and me have been laughing just now at Macs admiralty after just
come back from work. OUhh btw, the 3rd damn guy, last min then he come at around 11+. I kinda shocked when i see him. He is the most damn annoying, extra, action and take down weaker guys to make them to be afraid of him. When he saw me, he was like "Ouhh heyy" with abit fierce looking at me. Then again, Zul and Mal eye signal to me again. Yah2, it's that guy. Harrlemak, just about water only then wanna be angry. Say that we waste water and money to buy a bottle. He say that we should share money then share water. Suddenly looked at me, with fierce looking. Ouhh knew it, wanna try take down on me again eh? Suree try it, i'm ready. But for just 1 question he asked me, who buy these drinks? I pointed at the back, which is the driver that blanja us all bottle each. Then Mal said is that guyy like thatt. Then he paisehh siahh. Then say nevermind, he rich but if me, it's really a waste. Walao, our problem lah. That 1 bottle is enough for each of us siahh. Paiseh just say lahh. Sheesh, fail again to make me down and i was about to fight you back uhhrrs. Go ahead and do it, cos Zul and Mal is already here, hoping to see you and cari pasal with you. He called himself Wan Botak?? AHAHA!!! Ehh paisehh, just shut up kayy?? -.-
Hmm anyway, lepak with Iqmal at Admiralty just now. Still very early to go back home, kinda bored luhh at home later. Soo we slack outside awhile. Uhh, talked alot just now, but we talked moree at Macs, like non-stop. =.= Kayy, tomorrow must come to work, to get our pay, $150. YAY. Kay, retarded. Hmm, Zul, Mal, Syahmi, Kamarool and me will be meeting at Yew Tee Macs to eat our breakfast, then off to that kopitiam to gather. Yeahh, we just make friends and knowing each other just yesterday onlyy uhh.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Hmm, usually Iqmal A. and me, and now Zul come to work with us. Hahas. Ohh before that, last night i already asked my mom to wake me up at 6.30 in the morning, cuz 7.00 i'm meeting Zul go Yew Tee, then eat Macs at there for breakfast, Mc Muffin. But nice, my mom then wake me up when Iqmal calling me. Checked the time, and it's already 7.15. Of course lahh i gonna be late. Checked my hp, 3 msgs, 13 miss calls. -_-
Yeahh, soo i asked Iqmal to go with Zul first, then meet me at kopitiam there, where all gathering over there. I'm gonna be late, soo i don't wan Iqmal and Zul to be late too because of me. Kinda rushing early in the morning, but manage to get out of my house at 7.40. Reached there like about 8.11. Should be at there by 8.00. But lucky lah, they haven't leave yet.
Anyway, Zul and me are together, same group. Whee~ But except for Iqmal. Aww. At first, i thought that i'm not gonna same group with Zul, Iqmal or any of them when the manager called my name to asked go to the lorry. Hmm kay lah, cya. After i walked there, stand there awhile, Zul come to me. Huh?? OHH! We same group lorr but not Iqmal. HAHA.
Hmm, usually our work end at about 5-6+. But today, end super early, at around 3.14 in the afternoon uhh. Very FAST uhh !! Soo me, Zul and others in my group take lorry back to Yew Tee. Since the front seat is full, i decided to seat at the back of the lorry, alone. Ahh better lar, so no one will talk to me to annoy me cos i'm tired. -.- I have nothing to do than looking at outside while the wind is blowing me, i take a picture of myself. HAHA. Yeahh, that pic at the top there.
Halfway Zul and me walking at Yew Tee MRT interchange, saw my friend that is same work with us. Which his bicycle and home clothes. At first, i feel like someone is calling my name, my short name somemore, ShaZ. Soo i just stopped, then turned back. EHkk!? Then getting closer and closer, OHH IT'S YOU. Lerr..
Aikk, oh yah, never go to work today uh?? Didn't see him today in the morning just now. But it's his birthday today, so he can't go to work. Ouhhh...............
Alright, then for sure tomorrow he will be coming to work luhh. Yeahh, go meet your new friend just joined, Zul. Haha. Kay2, cya.
Instead me and Zul going back home first, we go Pasar Malam at Yew Tee there. I wanna buy Takoyaki and dunno what Pizza, that cost $2.50. Seat some where, eat awhile then take MRT go home. Yeahh, Zul said that working here is fun. Meet funny peeps and all, can laugh or joke around but except 1 of the guy, the veryyy CB. HAHA, seriously. -.- Abit only wan to shout and all. Then sayy that i'm soo quiet, my face like what and all, WTF, not happy just say lahh. You not even a SuperVisor siahh. Iqmal and Zul have been calling me, is it that person that called me that and cari pasal with me last Monday whenever a Fat guy come, cos that person is a Fat guy luhh. But nopee, maybe he didn't come today, or maybe he is already out there helping carrying stuffs. Sheesh, if he is the same group with me again, i don't give chance at him siahh. I will scold him back, maki and all. Wann act soo big and think that i'm actually weak and scared of you ehh?? HAHA, i'm just pretending. But this time, you will get it. -.- I'm still not puas hati with that damnn fatty guy uhh. Now Zul is here, then try to do it on me or Zul then. >:D
Yeahh, soo i asked Iqmal to go with Zul first, then meet me at kopitiam there, where all gathering over there. I'm gonna be late, soo i don't wan Iqmal and Zul to be late too because of me. Kinda rushing early in the morning, but manage to get out of my house at 7.40. Reached there like about 8.11. Should be at there by 8.00. But lucky lah, they haven't leave yet.
Anyway, Zul and me are together, same group. Whee~ But except for Iqmal. Aww. At first, i thought that i'm not gonna same group with Zul, Iqmal or any of them when the manager called my name to asked go to the lorry. Hmm kay lah, cya. After i walked there, stand there awhile, Zul come to me. Huh?? OHH! We same group lorr but not Iqmal. HAHA.
Hmm, usually our work end at about 5-6+. But today, end super early, at around 3.14 in the afternoon uhh. Very FAST uhh !! Soo me, Zul and others in my group take lorry back to Yew Tee. Since the front seat is full, i decided to seat at the back of the lorry, alone. Ahh better lar, so no one will talk to me to annoy me cos i'm tired. -.- I have nothing to do than looking at outside while the wind is blowing me, i take a picture of myself. HAHA. Yeahh, that pic at the top there.
Halfway Zul and me walking at Yew Tee MRT interchange, saw my friend that is same work with us. Which his bicycle and home clothes. At first, i feel like someone is calling my name, my short name somemore, ShaZ. Soo i just stopped, then turned back. EHkk!? Then getting closer and closer, OHH IT'S YOU. Lerr..
Aikk, oh yah, never go to work today uh?? Didn't see him today in the morning just now. But it's his birthday today, so he can't go to work. Ouhhh...............
Alright, then for sure tomorrow he will be coming to work luhh. Yeahh, go meet your new friend just joined, Zul. Haha. Kay2, cya.
Instead me and Zul going back home first, we go Pasar Malam at Yew Tee there. I wanna buy Takoyaki and dunno what Pizza, that cost $2.50. Seat some where, eat awhile then take MRT go home. Yeahh, Zul said that working here is fun. Meet funny peeps and all, can laugh or joke around but except 1 of the guy, the veryyy CB. HAHA, seriously. -.- Abit only wan to shout and all. Then sayy that i'm soo quiet, my face like what and all, WTF, not happy just say lahh. You not even a SuperVisor siahh. Iqmal and Zul have been calling me, is it that person that called me that and cari pasal with me last Monday whenever a Fat guy come, cos that person is a Fat guy luhh. But nopee, maybe he didn't come today, or maybe he is already out there helping carrying stuffs. Sheesh, if he is the same group with me again, i don't give chance at him siahh. I will scold him back, maki and all. Wann act soo big and think that i'm actually weak and scared of you ehh?? HAHA, i'm just pretending. But this time, you will get it. -.- I'm still not puas hati with that damnn fatty guy uhh. Now Zul is here, then try to do it on me or Zul then. >:D
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Alright, i'm coming back to work tomorrow. Cos i just miss the people there, my friends and except that damn guyy. Yeahh, if that guy in the same group with me again, then i don't give chance anymore. Wanna act who is big, fierce and all eh? I just acted funny and all to annoy him. And he thinks that i'm soo scared of him. Alright, if that guy is the same group with me again, i tell you, i can go violent on you since you treat me like a dog last Monday. I don't care, if he wanna try did it again to me like last Monday, then prepare for you to get some blood bleeding or worst than that, seriously. Once my anger reach my limit, then say bye2 to yourself. Whyy, wan complain to boss then go ahead lah, say that i do this and that to him, just like a small kid. If boss asked me to leave, not to come back here to work again then sure. Like i care, as long as i get my revenge at him and throw all my anger at him. Goo complain to me lorr, i have more lots of words to talk about you and my other 2 friends that hated you.
Hmm yah, Zul is coming to work tomorrow too. Yepp, he wanna work. We both will be meeting at Semb MRT, then go to Yew Tee to eat Macs breakfast there. 7.45 then we off go at kopitiam to meet there. Oh, and Iqmal A. coming to work too. He needed to take his dad pay. His dad caused trouble already and kana tahan by police, until now. I don't know what happen, and what did his dad do. But, it's about his work at there, guess he did something wrong or do something wrong until he get caught. It's from camera, looking at him. Condominium very >.<
Hmm yah, Zul is coming to work tomorrow too. Yepp, he wanna work. We both will be meeting at Semb MRT, then go to Yew Tee to eat Macs breakfast there. 7.45 then we off go at kopitiam to meet there. Oh, and Iqmal A. coming to work too. He needed to take his dad pay. His dad caused trouble already and kana tahan by police, until now. I don't know what happen, and what did his dad do. But, it's about his work at there, guess he did something wrong or do something wrong until he get caught. It's from camera, looking at him. Condominium very >.<
Monday, June 14, 2010
Well, went to work today. This is the last day i'm working and i'm not working there anymore. Sheesh. First of all, after reach at their house, some of them is already at there started. Yeahh, helped out to carry the stuffs to put it at outside, stacking those boxes and all. Then the rest is too heavy for me already, the big2 furniture. The 3 of them, like cari pasal with me. And they think that i'm scared of them. I didn't even know the 4-6 of them. Didn't even see them before. Except 1 of my friend, like we just know each other last week. Yeahh, of course i can't talk much and smile. SOo my face will like abit >.< That is why they disturbing me, think that i'm weak and all. Asked me to do that and this. When i was about to go up back, the other guy like swet2 at me and asked me to come out awhile. Yeahh okay. That guy tell me the whole story about the 3 of them. Guess what, they are not from Raffles Movers. 2 of them is Klasic Movers. I was like, 'WHAT!"' Yahh, he tell me not to layan them soo much. Their attitude is like that. Ouhh okay.. I begin to be angry with them too. Yeahh, make fun of me and all, but that guy helping me out too. Mostly, the 2 of them asked me to carry those heavy things since i didn't carry so much just now. Yeahh sure2 okay. But that guy help me carry down halfway. Yeah, passing2. Seriously, this damn heavy like stone, i really can't carry it. Guess what 1 of them said? "If you not strong, then why work here? Go work at MacDonnal like that larr." Yeahh, my friend, that guy, was at there too and begin to angry by looking at his face. After at down there, he talk to me again about that just now. Yeahh he say is right, it's good that i come here to work and all, other than at MacDonnal. People here work like happy2, joking around and smiling. Helping each other of course. Yeahh true2! That is why i enjoy working here helping. I make some new friends and all. But this group, omg.. Abit only wan like scold2, act big and fierce to me. Really make me upset alot and angry. The 2nd floor, i was carrying 2 stacks of chairs to bring down. That damn 2 guys dunno what talked to me and my hand just feel like throwing this 2 stacked of chairs at them. Comfirm syoik siahh ! But i didn't of course. They soo cb! Me and this guy that with me, really hate them alot. After i just wanna get out of the lorry, the guy asked me to stay here awhile to talk to me. He was very angry at them too much, asked me just to fight them back if they annoy me, like just scold them back or what. Don't be afraid and all. Seriously siahh, throw him a heavy table at them is much better when i'm very angry, which will increase like my strength.
In the end, after finish, at outside lorry, 1 of the supervisor suddenly give me and my other friend $50 each. Uhh, what for? He said that tomorrow no need come for work. OH! NAHH! NO NEED TO SAY THAT TO ME AITE? COS I ALREADY QUIT THIS DAMN JOB BECAUSE OF THEM! Then just walked away to the next lorry, sending us to woodlands. Yeahh, my friend, that guy, talk to me. Say that i'm soo brave and my face looks fierce. Oh please, my face is already like that, i'm not fierce or what. I may look fierce but i'm just normal. No wonder the supervisor didn't called me back uh? Kay lame. I already make this plan early already. Yeah, not to come for work tomorrow, then come at Wed to work and get my pay, then quit this job. But since that supervisor give me $50 already, then good lah. This is the last day i'm coming. And i don't wanna see those 2 annoying faces!
In the end, after finish, at outside lorry, 1 of the supervisor suddenly give me and my other friend $50 each. Uhh, what for? He said that tomorrow no need come for work. OH! NAHH! NO NEED TO SAY THAT TO ME AITE? COS I ALREADY QUIT THIS DAMN JOB BECAUSE OF THEM! Then just walked away to the next lorry, sending us to woodlands. Yeahh, my friend, that guy, talk to me. Say that i'm soo brave and my face looks fierce. Oh please, my face is already like that, i'm not fierce or what. I may look fierce but i'm just normal. No wonder the supervisor didn't called me back uh? Kay lame. I already make this plan early already. Yeah, not to come for work tomorrow, then come at Wed to work and get my pay, then quit this job. But since that supervisor give me $50 already, then good lah. This is the last day i'm coming. And i don't wanna see those 2 annoying faces!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Alright, today i just hangout with Afique at Bugis. Soo long never hang out since when i just started a job luhh. Today Sunday, both of us free and we wanna hangout. Instead of just at Admiralty, Woodlands and Sembawang, we wanna hangout at Bugis. Hmm kay, tomorrow i got work, of course. Then Afique have band uhh. His CCA ended at 6.30 while my work end at about 6.15-6.20 or more, depends. Yeah, he accompany me go Chong Pang awhile to buy something then go back home straight or just hangout at there for awhile. Hmm, Iqmal.A won't be coming to work tomorrow and his dad. They have family plan. Ouhh alright. But i'm still be coming to work tomorrow. And yeahh, my back bone is finally okay and back to normal.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
3rd day of work today and pay day. Yeahh, earn $150. 1 day = $50. But iqmal get another $12, then another $50. Wtheck? Duhh, padehal he take the pay for his cousin that didn't come to work today. He justOuhh, every Sat and Wed is pay day. Then sunday off. Iqmal(Awi) said that he don't wanna work on Monday. Uhh kay lah, anything. Cos i don't think i wanna work on that day too. I wanna rest at home, hangout with my friends or just sleep at home. Cos my back bone is hurting me. Just that i can't carry anymore some heavy stuffs. I was thinking of not coming to work today, cos of my back bone is seriously hurting me too much. Sat is pay day somemore. Hmm kay, i will just come today. Ehkk, i thought that i'm not gonna be same group with Iqmal today. But after Iqmal and his group halfway walking to Lorry, the guy called me and asked me to follow them. Ouhh okay. I was replaced by one person since that person didn't come today. Whee~ same group with him, again. LOL.
Ehkk, today house owner and their family is kinda funny. Honestly, they are "orang putih". Which is i don't mind but i hope i won't be laughing and tahan from that cos of the way they speak. But then like, okay2 lah. I can understand them abit. BUT, their mom lah, i me and Iqmal don't understand a single word she is saying. Me and Iqmal is halfway carrying this damn heavy box from staircase, i mean was about to. She suddenly come to us, then talk to me something. In my mind, i was like "hhhuuuuuu". In the end, guess what she said to me, " Do you understand english?". Me and Iqmal just laughed abit and a very wide smile. I just feel like saying to her back that, " Unless you can speak english properly so that i can understand." but of course not lah, soo rude siah. Iqmal also didn't understand a single word what she is saying. And we both found out that they are actually from German. Sheesh, their son can speak much better. Me and Iqmal can understand what they are saying, perfectly. But abit slow. Alamak, somemore their house is 3 floors. For sure damnn alot. But manage to finish it by today and before 6PM. Cos we need to end it at 6PM and for 1 day. No 2nd day. Cos
we need to go get the pay, then tomorrow no work. Yahh cos of that, lucky, 11+ morning, when we halfway packing and moving it out, another lorry and some back-ups come. Woahh, thnxx. And they are much bigger enough to carry that damn giant table thinggy. Almost every box, like a stone inside it siahh. Until me and Iqmal need to carry together. -.-
Haiiz, this guy.. have been saying to me that i'm C.I.D. That time he asked me, what is my name. After when i say out my name, he shocked. "HUH!? C.I.D!?". Duhh, "Shah-e-zee". His ear got prob or what siahh?? But, he kinda funny guyy that will make me smile. Just now when i'm taking my pay, the person asked me, what is my name. When i was about to say, that guy, again(Sry, i didn't know that person name yet.), he say "C.I.D, his name is C.I.D!". Haha. That was just a joke.
Ehkk, today house owner and their family is kinda funny. Honestly, they are "orang putih". Which is i don't mind but i hope i won't be laughing and tahan from that cos of the way they speak. But then like, okay2 lah. I can understand them abit. BUT, their mom lah, i me and Iqmal don't understand a single word she is saying. Me and Iqmal is halfway carrying this damn heavy box from staircase, i mean was about to. She suddenly come to us, then talk to me something. In my mind, i was like "hhhuuuuuu". In the end, guess what she said to me, " Do you understand english?". Me and Iqmal just laughed abit and a very wide smile. I just feel like saying to her back that, " Unless you can speak english properly so that i can understand." but of course not lah, soo rude siah. Iqmal also didn't understand a single word what she is saying. And we both found out that they are actually from German. Sheesh, their son can speak much better. Me and Iqmal can understand what they are saying, perfectly. But abit slow. Alamak, somemore their house is 3 floors. For sure damnn alot. But manage to finish it by today and before 6PM. Cos we need to end it at 6PM and for 1 day. No 2nd day. Cos
we need to go get the pay, then tomorrow no work. Yahh cos of that, lucky, 11+ morning, when we halfway packing and moving it out, another lorry and some back-ups come. Woahh, thnxx. And they are much bigger enough to carry that damn giant table thinggy. Almost every box, like a stone inside it siahh. Until me and Iqmal need to carry together. -.-
Haiiz, this guy.. have been saying to me that i'm C.I.D. That time he asked me, what is my name. After when i say out my name, he shocked. "HUH!? C.I.D!?". Duhh, "Shah-e-zee". His ear got prob or what siahh?? But, he kinda funny guyy that will make me smile. Just now when i'm taking my pay, the person asked me, what is my name. When i was about to say, that guy, again(Sry, i didn't know that person name yet.), he say "C.I.D, his name is C.I.D!". Haha. That was just a joke.
3rd day of work today and pay day. Yeahh, earn $150. 1 day = $50. But iqmal get another $12, then another $50. Wtheck? Duhh, padehal he take the pay for his cousin that didn't come to work today. He justOuhh, every Sat and Wed is pay day. Then sunday off. Iqmal(Awi) said that he don't wanna work on Monday. Uhh kay lah, anything. Cos i don't think i wanna work on that day too. I wanna rest at home, hangout with my friends or just sleep at home. Cos my back bone is hurting me. Just that i can't carry anymore some heavy stuffs. I was thinking of not coming to work today, cos of my back bone is seriously hurting me too much. Sat is pay day somemore. Hmm kay, i will just come today. Ehkk, i thought that i'm not gonna be same group with Iqmal today. But after Iqmal and his group halfway walking to Lorry, the guy called me and asked me to follow them. Ouhh okay. I was replaced by one person since that person didn't come today. Whee~ same group with him, again. LOL.
Ehkk, today house owner and their family is kinda funny. Honestly, they are "orang putih". Which is i don't mind but i hope i won't be laughing and tahan from that cos of the way they speak. But then like, okay2 lah. I can understand them abit. BUT, their mom lah, i me and Iqmal don't understand a single word she is saying. Me and Iqmal is halfway carrying this damn heavy box from staircase, i mean was about to. She suddenly come to us, then talk to me something. In my mind, i was like "hhhuuuuuu". In the end, guess what she said to me, " Do you understand english?". Me and Iqmal just laughed abit and a very wide smile. I just feel like saying to her back that, " Unless you can speak english properly so that i can understand." but of course not lah, soo rude siah. Iqmal also didn't understand a single word what she is saying. And we both found out that they are actually from German. Sheesh, their son can speak much better. Me and Iqmal can understand what they are saying, perfectly. But abit slow. Alamak, somemore their house is 3 floors. For sure damnn alot. But manage to finish
Haiiz, this guy.. have been saying to me that i'm C.I.D. That time he asked me, what is my name. After when i say out my name, he shocked. "HUH!? C.I.D!?". Duhh, "Shah-e-zee". His ear got prob or what siahh?? But, he kinda funny guyy that will make me smile. Just now when i'm taking my pay, the person asked me, what is my name. When i was about to say, that guy, again(Sry, i didn't know that person name yet.), he say "C.I.D, his name is C.I.D!". Haha. That was just a joke.
Ehkk, today house owner and their family is kinda funny. Honestly, they are "orang putih". Which is i don't mind but i hope i won't be laughing and tahan from that cos of the way they speak. But then like, okay2 lah. I can understand them abit. BUT, their mom lah, i me and Iqmal don't understand a single word she is saying. Me and Iqmal is halfway carrying this damn heavy box from staircase, i mean was about to. She suddenly come to us, then talk to me something. In my mind, i was like "hhhuuuuuu". In the end, guess what she said to me, " Do you understand english?". Me and Iqmal just laughed abit and a very wide smile. I just feel like saying to her back that, " Unless you can speak english properly so that i can understand." but of course not lah, soo rude siah. Iqmal also didn't understand a single word what she is saying. And we both found out that they are actually from German. Sheesh, their son can speak much better. Me and Iqmal can understand what they are saying, perfectly. But abit slow. Alamak, somemore their house is 3 floors. For sure damnn alot. But manage to finish
Haiiz, this guy.. have been saying to me that i'm C.I.D. That time he asked me, what is my name. After when i say out my name, he shocked. "HUH!? C.I.D!?". Duhh, "Shah-e-zee". His ear got prob or what siahh?? But, he kinda funny guyy that will make me smile. Just now when i'm taking my pay, the person asked me, what is my name. When i was about to say, that guy, again(Sry, i didn't know that person name yet.), he say "C.I.D, his name is C.I.D!". Haha. That was just a joke.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Just come back from work, 2nd day of work. Hmm, is it everyday there will be a new worker just join? Today just got few people just started. And 1 of them is Iqmal(Awi) friend, his cousin. O_o His cousin is police as well luh. He said that he is working as Police also. Soo he won't be coming to work tomorrow cos of his police job. But seriously, he looks abit younger.
Wow, me and Iqmal will be together, my partner and some others. HELLO~ ;D Cos we didn't work together yesterday. All of us is separated group by group. But today me and Iqmal is the same group. Whee~ Hmm anyway, i think i slack alot today at work. The first thing is, Iqmal, me and 1 guy went down with some boards and tapes to put down near the lifts there and some this "thing", i don't know what that thing is called, that used to be hang at the lifts, to cover the walls. That is always the first thing that we need to do when we arrived. Ouh yah, at condominium house, again. The first thing Iqmal and me was about to enter the house, we both tahan our laughter and stayed outside awhile. The owner of the house is orang putih lahh. Haha. We was about to enter, and we heard his voice talking like white people speaking. It's kinda funny and we begin to laugh but at outside. We tahan, smiling at each other. Deep breath, then we enter. When i enter, i begin to laugh, again. Cannot tahan siahh. But slowly, i used to it then i'm not laughing anymore. Then i have to go down, jaga what thing it is down there, alone. While Iqmal is called up there. Soo i kinda lonely but, SLACKING. Haha. Do nothing at there. I was soo bored, soo i take a picture of myself. HAHA. Yeahh, that is the picture at top there. Nothing to do siahh. Need to wait for the lorry to call them when they arrive, then i have to go up to tell them that the lorry is already here. By the time the lorry arrived, some guys already bring some boxes down, which is furniture inside it, obviously. Yahh, same timing. Helped them push, then go up to help stacking. After awhile, i need to jaga the lift? Yah, helping pushing the trolley with furnitures and boxes that they stacked up, in and out from lift. Soo yah, didn't carry much stuffs today. :P
Hmm, today work end fast today, really fast. Then Iqmal and me thought that we going back home already and they sending us to Yew Tee MRT. But then, they stop us at another condominium house. HUH?? Ouhh, the other group need some help. Kayy luhh, and that group have Iqmal dad too. Soo we enter. By the time we enter and look at their house, left few furnitures left luhh. Ouhh wait, are they still bringing the furnitures out? And not yet reach at the other house? Omg, from morning to afternoon, 4PM+, they still haven't finish. Wahh, for sure got alot furnitures and boxes siahh. Helped them, then the driver send us to Yew Tee MRT.
Hmm yah of course, went home. And also, i laugh alot at there too. Theyy soo funny lahh. Even with their lame jokes. Haha.
Ouhh anyway, i have been missing someone alot to me. Haizz, just that it's my fault lahh. Sheesh! ;( To me, this feeling is just like she is important to me. But now, she sombong. Haiiz kay lah, forget it. It's my fault anyway. Didn't msg her for months already. She ignore what, then fine ! Just like i said, no need to act like she already change her phone no. or what, cos my phone can let me know when that person received my msg or not. Like when you just receive my msg, same as me, it will tell me that you have just received my msg. Duh ! We both are like back to normal, strangers like that. Like we didn't meet before but see each other sometimes. :/
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Alright, just got job and started today. Wake up at 6.30 in the morning then meet Iqmal(Awi) at Admiralty then go Yew Tee. Anyway, it's his dad invited Iqmal, then Iqmal invite me.Yeah, i work at Raffles Movers. Guess what, just helping carrying stuffs only larhs. Haha. It's not that heavy and it's quite easy but you just need strength. Nott soo heavy larhs. It's a shift house, helping them to move their furnitures to the other house, which is their new house. Just now is from condominium to punggol house uh. Basket lahh, this family soo rich or what sia, soo damn many. And what i heard from them that this is the 2nd day of moving the furnitures. Damnn alot, 1 day is not enough. Soo this is the 2nd day of carry their stuffs out. Quite fun anyway, seriously. Putting don't know what thing, to slide down from staircase. Soo it's much easier by just pushing it down. 1 person at the top, then 2-3 person at down to catch the boxes then stack 1 place, then the other guy carry those from stacks to a trolley as much as he can then move out and take another trolley. Yeahh, that is TeamWork. Like 11+, they let us all break awhile. Soo i go up and see, how many more stuffs. Hmm looks ok, when enter the back of the kitchen, omg. Lot's more. Hmm, make some friends at there too. Since Iqmal and me is Separated, soo i will be much quiet. :/ They are trying to make me laugh. -_-
Hmm, all is 14-18+ there. The 4 of us, include me have to go together. 1 of them also just started too uh. :O
Hmm, all is 14-18+ there. The 4 of us, include me have to go together. 1 of them also just started too uh. :O
Faizal, yeah 1 of my friend name there, asking me questions to get to know me better, same as him. He asked me, did i wear contact lens or not. Duhh, of course not lahh. Then he ask me, why my eye colour is light brown? Ouhh, natural lah. Even sun light shine my eye abit, you can see it. Unless you are close enough like that. If like too bright, clearly can see luhh. Kay, so what rite? who cares.
After all went back home, i accompany 1 of the worker, riding on lorry. Go to Warehouse awhile, he wanna meet someone at there and take his motorbike. Uhh, anything lah. In the end, that guy send me home from his bike. Haha, free ride and save ez-link money. :P Hmm kay, wanna sleep now. Need to wake up early, same like today, meet iqmal then go Yew Tee. Aww, have lot's of friends there now. But didn't talk much. HAHA. Alot of students at there too, just started today. Aged 16-17 like that. This Sat must come luhh, to get pay. Yeah, $1,000 per week i earn.
Yah, both my parents let me do this type of work. But my mom have sooooo many questions siahh. My dad just smile, say cool or what. Then say that i'm strong enough already. Awww. But seriously, not much. :/ But heyy, my dad work more worst than this okayy~
Hmm so far, i only injured my hands and legs. Ouhh the leg, while i'm putting down a furni, i didn't look at my leg and i thought that it won't hit my leg. But it did. -.- But not pain lah, just a scratch. My hands, yah, carrying stuffs. Of course lahh. But can tahan. The whole day i have been carrying stuffs and all until 6PM+, and i have like no moree strength on me left. I will be better when tomorrow after sleep ;D
After all went back home, i accompany 1 of the worker, riding on lorry. Go to Warehouse awhile, he wanna meet someone at there and take his motorbike. Uhh, anything lah. In the end, that guy send me home from his bike. Haha, free ride and save ez-link money. :P Hmm kay, wanna sleep now. Need to wake up early, same like today, meet iqmal then go Yew Tee. Aww, have lot's of friends there now. But didn't talk much. HAHA. Alot of students at there too, just started today. Aged 16-17 like that. This Sat must come luhh, to get pay. Yeah, $1,000 per week i earn.
Yah, both my parents let me do this type of work. But my mom have sooooo many questions siahh. My dad just smile, say cool or what. Then say that i'm strong enough already. Awww. But seriously, not much. :/ But heyy, my dad work more worst than this okayy~
Hmm so far, i only injured my hands and legs. Ouhh the leg, while i'm putting down a furni, i didn't look at my leg and i thought that it won't hit my leg. But it did. -.- But not pain lah, just a scratch. My hands, yah, carrying stuffs. Of course lahh. But can tahan. The whole day i have been carrying stuffs and all until 6PM+, and i have like no moree strength on me left. I will be better when tomorrow after sleep ;D
Alright, just got job and started today. Wake up at 6.30 in the morning then meet Iqmal(Awi) at Admiralty then go Yew Tee. Anyway, it's his dad invited Iqmal, then Iqmal invite me.Yeah, i work at Raffles Movers. Guess what, just helping carrying stuffs only larhs. Haha. It's not that heavy and it's quite easy but you just need strength. Nott soo heavy larhs. It's a shift house, helping them to move their furnitures to the other house, which is their new house. Just now is from condominium to punggol house uh. Basket lahh, this family soo rich or what sia, soo damn many. And what i heard from them that this is the 2nd day of moving the furnitures. Damnn alot, 1 day is not enough. Soo this is the 2nd day of carry their stuffs out. Quite fun anyway, seriously. Putting don't know what thing, to slide down from staircase. Soo it's much easier by just pushing it down. 1 person at the top, then 2-3 person at down to catch the boxes then stack 1 place, then the other guy carry those from stacks to a trolley as much as he can then move out and take another trolley. Yeahh, that is TeamWork. Like 11+, they let us all break awhile. Soo i go up and see, how many more stuffs. Hmm looks ok, when enter the back of the kitchen, omg. Lot's more. Hmm, make some friends at there too. Since Iqmal and me is Separated, soo i will be much quiet. :/ They are trying to make me laugh. -_-
Hmm, all is 14-18+ there. The 4 of us, include me have to go together. 1 of them also just started too uh. :O
Hmm, all is 14-18+ there. The 4 of us, include me have to go together. 1 of them also just started too uh. :O
Faizal, yeah 1 of my friend name there, asking me questions to get to know me better, same as him. He asked me, did i wear contact lens or not. Duhh, of course not lahh. Then he ask me, why my eye colour is light brown? Ouhh, natural lah. Even sun light shine my eye abit, you can see it. Unless you are close enough like that. If like too bright, clearly can see luhh. Kay, so what rite? who cares.
After all went back home, i accompany 1 of the worker, riding on lorry. Go to Warehouse awhile, he wanna meet someone at there and take his motorbike. Uhh, anything lah. In the end, that guy send me home from his bike. Haha, free ride and save ez-link money. :P Hmm kay, wanna sleep now. Need to wake up early, same like today, meet iqmal then go Yew Tee. Aww, have lot's of friends there now. But didn't talk much. HAHA. Alot of students at there too, just started today. Aged 16-17 like that. This Sat must come luhh, to get pay. Yeah, $1,000 per week i earn.
Yah, both my parents let me do this type of work. But my mom have sooooo many questions siahh. My dad just smile, say cool or what. Then say that i'm strong enough already. Awww. But seriously, not much. :/ But heyy, my dad work more worst than this okayy~
After all went back home, i accompany 1 of the worker, riding on lorry. Go to Warehouse awhile, he wanna meet someone at there and take his motorbike. Uhh, anything lah. In the end, that guy send me home from his bike. Haha, free ride and save ez-link money. :P Hmm kay, wanna sleep now. Need to wake up early, same like today, meet iqmal then go Yew Tee. Aww, have lot's of friends there now. But didn't talk much. HAHA. Alot of students at there too, just started today. Aged 16-17 like that. This Sat must come luhh, to get pay. Yeah, $1,000 per week i earn.
Yah, both my parents let me do this type of work. But my mom have sooooo many questions siahh. My dad just smile, say cool or what. Then say that i'm strong enough already. Awww. But seriously, not much. :/ But heyy, my dad work more worst than this okayy~
Alright, just got job and started today. Wake up at 6.30 in the morning then meet Iqmal(Awi) at Admiralty then go Yew Tee. Anyway, it's his dad invited Iqmal, then Iqmal invite me.Yeah, i work at Raffles Movers. Guess what, just helping carrying stuffs only larhs. Haha. It's not that heavy and it's quite easy but you just need strength. Nott soo heavy larhs. It's a shift house, helping them to move their furnitures to the other house, which is their new house. Just now is from condominium to punggol house uh. Basket lahh, this family soo rich or what sia, soo damn many. And what i heard from them that this is the 2nd day of moving the furnitures. Damnn alot, 1 day is not enough. Soo this is the 2nd day of carry their stuffs out. Quite fun anyway, seriously. Putting don't know what thing, to slide down from staircase. Soo it's much easier by just pushing it down. 1 person at the top, then 2-3 person at down to catch the boxes then stack 1 place, then the other guy carry those from stacks to a trolley as much as he can then move out and take another trolley. Yeahh, that is TeamWork. Like 11+, they let us all break awhile. Soo i go up and see, how many more stuffs. Hmm looks ok, when enter the back of the kitchen, omg. Lot's more. Hmm, make some friends at there too. Since Iqmal and me is Separated, soo i will be much quiet. :/ They are trying to make me laugh. -_-
Hmm, all is 14-18+ there. The 4 of us, include me have to go together. 1 of them also just started too uh. :O
Hmm, all is 14-18+ there. The 4 of us, include me have to go together. 1 of them also just started too uh. :O
Faizal, yeah 1 of my friend name there, asking me questions to get to know me better, same as him. He asked me, did i wear contact lens or not. Duhh, of course not lahh. Then he ask me, why my eye colour is light brown? Ouhh, natural lah. Even sun light shine my eye abit, you can see it. Unless you are close enough like that. If like too bright, clearly can see luhh. Kay, so what rite? who cares.
After all went back home, i accompany 1 of the worker, riding on lorry. Go to Warehouse awhile, he wanna meet someone at there and take his motorbike. Uhh, anything lah. In the end, that guy send me home from his bike. Haha, free ride and save ez-link money. :P Hmm kay, wanna sleep now. Need to wake up early, same like today, meet iqmal then go Yew Tee. Aww, have lot's of friends there now. But didn't talk much. HAHA. Alot of students at there too, just started today. Aged 16-17 like that. This Sat must come luhh, to get pay. Yeah, $1,000 per week i earn.
After all went back home, i accompany 1 of the worker, riding on lorry. Go to Warehouse awhile, he wanna meet someone at there and take his motorbike. Uhh, anything lah. In the end, that guy send me home from his bike. Haha, free ride and save ez-link money. :P Hmm kay, wanna sleep now. Need to wake up early, same like today, meet iqmal then go Yew Tee. Aww, have lot's of friends there now. But didn't talk much. HAHA. Alot of students at there too, just started today. Aged 16-17 like that. This Sat must come luhh, to get pay. Yeah, $1,000 per week i earn.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Well, can't sleep last night. I was thinking of something and it's really sad for me. Yesterday lah, lepak with Afique at night. Talk2 halfway, then don't know why talking about _______. He suddenly ask me that i actually still love that ______. Soo i kinda mad abit whenever he say out her name.. Sheesh, she is already sombong at me and i hate her now. Ohh please.. Then he ask me, what did i say to her or the last words that i say at her? Uhh, nothing lah. I didn't say anything bad about her or something until she become like that okay.. Maybe i didn't msg her for few months because i was angry at her, and that's why she is soo sombong now? She didn't know that i'm mad at her anyway. All i know is that i said these few last words is this.. *blah2*. And after i said to Afique that what i said the last words at her, he become angry and kinda like shouting at me. Uhh what?? Is that wrong if i asked her that?(Nt that ehem lame shit). Hmm, Afique face looks cooled down abit and ask me, why did i said it at her? Unless that i already know her very much like that. Ouhh, okay2 wadever ~ But after hangout with him, when i was walking home, i have been thinking about that.. I guess Afique is right and i'm wrong. Yahh i think it is, for sure. He is soo >.< And yah, guess i'm the one that is wrong at her then. But she is soo sombong at me now, so forget it. What else i can do right? But it's much better if i leave her alone. ;(
Haiiz, i kinda have this feeling when i first time i see her when i'm Sec 2. Yepp i know, and as you all know that i have been like-ing this girl from Sec 1-2. But when Sec 2, i think i like this girl.. Aww, her smile and all, really melting me. Sometimes only i can see her, like passing by or something. I didn't know her name and all. But i just keep it remain secret inside me. Until Sec 3, i accompany Zul to go dentist thinggy, soo i waited outside and seating at table bench there, which is just outside the detention room. Soon, Daniel come and asking me what i'm doing here alone. I was drawing at my sketch book cos of my boredom. Hmm, Daniel called someone, asking for this person number if she have it or not. I looked behind and it was her, just in front of me. Ouhh wow, it's really her. I'm just ignore and continue back to my drawing. Suddenly they soo quiet and i guess that girl already go. Suddenly she shout out her number then daniel like shouting at me that she is giving my number at me. HUH?? WHAT?? I kinda panic. Wtheck.. Ouhh, soo just now you both have been hand signal to each other cos you don't want me to hear eh. And Daniel is just joking with her only about me. But in my mind, i do really want her no. but i don't want to. But soon i asked Daniel, what is her number, again? Hehe. Ouhh yah, and what is her name? O_o Kinda happy when i'm text msg her when hanging out with some of you guys after accompany Zul. Rainn was trying to see who i'm msg to and slowly moving his head to see my hp. Lucky i turn left then i avoid it. Hahah ! Hmm anyway, it's finish. End here.. since she is very sombong at me now.. ;( Kayy forget it, it's best to leave her alone now. Especially some of you guys, disturbing her whenever you see her, saying at her where is me and whatever it is. But seriously, just stop it now okay, she is sombong now.. We both are like stranger to each other now. I even deleted her number cos she is ignoring me. Didn't reply my msg back uh. After few months didn't text msg her.
Duhh, no need to act like she is already change her number, cos my handphone can know if that person receive my msg or not. And she did receive my msg, but didn't reply to me. Kayy larr until you sombong like that, then it's better that i delete your number as well cos you won't reply back to me what. -.-
Haiiz, i kinda have this feeling when i first time i see her when i'm Sec 2. Yepp i know, and as you all know that i have been like-ing this girl from Sec 1-2. But when Sec 2, i think i like this girl.. Aww, her smile and all, really melting me. Sometimes only i can see her, like passing by or something. I didn't know her name and all. But i just keep it remain secret inside me. Until Sec 3, i accompany Zul to go dentist thinggy, soo i waited outside and seating at table bench there, which is just outside the detention room. Soon, Daniel come and asking me what i'm doing here alone. I was drawing at my sketch book cos of my boredom. Hmm, Daniel called someone, asking for this person number if she have it or not. I looked behind and it was her, just in front of me. Ouhh wow, it's really her. I'm just ignore and continue back to my drawing. Suddenly they soo quiet and i guess that girl already go. Suddenly she shout out her number then daniel like shouting at me that she is giving my number at me. HUH?? WHAT?? I kinda panic. Wtheck.. Ouhh, soo just now you both have been hand signal to each other cos you don't want me to hear eh. And Daniel is just joking with her only about me. But in my mind, i do really want her no. but i don't want to. But soon i asked Daniel, what is her number, again? Hehe. Ouhh yah, and what is her name? O_o Kinda happy when i'm text msg her when hanging out with some of you guys after accompany Zul. Rainn was trying to see who i'm msg to and slowly moving his head to see my hp. Lucky i turn left then i avoid it. Hahah ! Hmm anyway, it's finish. End here.. since she is very sombong at me now.. ;( Kayy forget it, it's best to leave her alone now. Especially some of you guys, disturbing her whenever you see her, saying at her where is me and whatever it is. But seriously, just stop it now okay, she is sombong now.. We both are like stranger to each other now. I even deleted her number cos she is ignoring me. Didn't reply my msg back uh. After few months didn't text msg her.
Duhh, no need to act like she is already change her number, cos my handphone can know if that person receive my msg or not. And she did receive my msg, but didn't reply to me. Kayy larr until you sombong like that, then it's better that i delete your number as well cos you won't reply back to me what. -.-
Monday, June 07, 2010
Yeah, didn't post any yesterday. Wanted to post but got problem. It's keep on loading and loading, i keep refreshing 5times or more, still the same. Ohhh damn it, forget it.
Hmm, went to my cousin wedding yesterday morning. I was awake by my brother that he forced me to come too. I was still asleep someomore. Ughh alright2, as long as you remain quiet. My parents already go and left me and my brother. Soo, only me and my brother went there. :/ After my brother friend, a cousin intro him to his friend that he is his Jiran, a neighbour last time at Bukit Batok but we now like a cousin now. Ouhh wait, soo all this time we are used to be neighbour back at Bukit Batok?? Omg, i didn't know it, seriously. I don't remember anything back then at Bukit Batok. I was just a small little kid, very small. But only some, but not them noticing that they are my neighbour. After few years, now then i know. -_-"
Went back home after that, while my brother need to go somewhere else. Reached home, use comp awhile, watch Kid Nation on YouTube then back to sleep. I was very tired and sleepy.. Wanna hangout with Afique just now afternoon but i'm just too tired, sorry.
Uh, watched Kid Nation just now, and i finish it till the last episode. Aww.. Very sad ending that they have to leave, making friends and all for 40 days. Their parents come up to see their sons and they really miss them, of course. But when showing their parents around the places, some of them really shocked. Yeahh, that is how they are over there larhs. Haha. But the last day, before all that was damn fun for them. After the don't know what chart board thinggy was burned down when morning, they don't know who did that and waking everybody up that the chart board was burning. Helping each other, taking a bucket each filled with water and try to stop the fire. Wow, cool. LOL. But it's too late, they let it burn. And so the journal was burned it too when that host come out, talking about that burning chart board. Yeahh, no rules, can do whatever they want. And all of them become crazy, grabbing free candies, soda waters and stuffs. -_-
Sleep late yesterday night, cuz i can't sleep. :( I already sleep just now afternoon until night. Haha. Hmm, talking to phone with friends and some unknown people there. That is why i remain speechless. I know some of them, yes, it's my very oldd friend of mine but who are the some of them? -_- Soon, they remain speechless and saying goodbyes at the end. They wanna sleep. But before that, i feel like asking one question at "her" when i heard someone crying? Haiiz, i feel sad too when i heard of that larhs but is it true? But early, i heard like he is crying. Okay, that is so obviously is true rite? Hmm Cheer up larhs, it is not like forever over there right? Well, i don't know but if it is forever, i guess i will cry D; -_- Urgh kay, forget it. I wonder who is this person, asking her to buy this "thing" when she is over there. -.-
Hmm, went to my cousin wedding yesterday morning. I was awake by my brother that he forced me to come too. I was still asleep someomore. Ughh alright2, as long as you remain quiet. My parents already go and left me and my brother. Soo, only me and my brother went there. :/ After my brother friend, a cousin intro him to his friend that he is his Jiran, a neighbour last time at Bukit Batok but we now like a cousin now. Ouhh wait, soo all this time we are used to be neighbour back at Bukit Batok?? Omg, i didn't know it, seriously. I don't remember anything back then at Bukit Batok. I was just a small little kid, very small. But only some, but not them noticing that they are my neighbour. After few years, now then i know. -_-"
Went back home after that, while my brother need to go somewhere else. Reached home, use comp awhile, watch Kid Nation on YouTube then back to sleep. I was very tired and sleepy.. Wanna hangout with Afique just now afternoon but i'm just too tired, sorry.
Uh, watched Kid Nation just now, and i finish it till the last episode. Aww.. Very sad ending that they have to leave, making friends and all for 40 days. Their parents come up to see their sons and they really miss them, of course. But when showing their parents around the places, some of them really shocked. Yeahh, that is how they are over there larhs. Haha. But the last day, before all that was damn fun for them. After the don't know what chart board thinggy was burned down when morning, they don't know who did that and waking everybody up that the chart board was burning. Helping each other, taking a bucket each filled with water and try to stop the fire. Wow, cool. LOL. But it's too late, they let it burn. And so the journal was burned it too when that host come out, talking about that burning chart board. Yeahh, no rules, can do whatever they want. And all of them become crazy, grabbing free candies, soda waters and stuffs. -_-
Sleep late yesterday night, cuz i can't sleep. :( I already sleep just now afternoon until night. Haha. Hmm, talking to phone with friends and some unknown people there. That is why i remain speechless. I know some of them, yes, it's my very oldd friend of mine but who are the some of them? -_- Soon, they remain speechless and saying goodbyes at the end. They wanna sleep. But before that, i feel like asking one question at "her" when i heard someone crying? Haiiz, i feel sad too when i heard of that larhs but is it true? But early, i heard like he is crying. Okay, that is so obviously is true rite? Hmm Cheer up larhs, it is not like forever over there right? Well, i don't know but if it is forever, i guess i will cry D; -_- Urgh kay, forget it. I wonder who is this person, asking her to buy this "thing" when she is over there. -.-
Saturday, June 05, 2010
Alright, i already watch both Ip Man and Ip Man 2. Both of the movie was damnn nice. I thought that Ip Man 2 don't have on youtube. But after my friend said that it have, i went to search it and yeah, got it. Thanks alot. Yepp, watch both of that movie from YouTube. Haha. Ip Man 2 ending, a small kid come up to him and said that he wanna learn from him. And his name is Bruce Lee. O_o Soo that is where he started. But he have to come back after he have grown up. When he is 16 years old, he come back to him to learn. Anyway, Ip Man 2 last fight, was damn scary to me, even it is just a show. His opponent is damn strong, soo muscular, use boxing gloves somemore. Like soo >.< But he lose at the end. Ahah.
Hmm, what to do today uhh. Maybe Afique, Shahrul and me wanna go Bugis or others. Later afternoon around 3+ But not so sure if Shahrul wanna come with us. It's better if we once go out far2, to chill or something instead of staying over here to chill always rite..
Hmm, what to do today uhh. Maybe Afique, Shahrul and me wanna go Bugis or others. Later afternoon around 3+ But not so sure if Shahrul wanna come with us. It's better if we once go out far2, to chill or something instead of staying over here to chill always rite..
Friday, June 04, 2010
Haiiz, wake up super early today, around 6.15-6.30 morning. It's like i'm waking up for school. -_-"
But of course, i went back to sleep.
Anyway, today morning i watch "IP man" from YouTube. I was kinda bored, nth to do. That movie is based on true story siaa.. It tell us after the movie have finish. Sheesh, he sacrifice his life just to win that Japanese guy in fighting. He is very goof and highly skilled KungFu uh. They give it a chance, if that IP Man win, they will set their hometown free if i'm not wrong. The whole people was watching them fighting. Anyway, it's martial arts kung fu. Very sad ending, he get shoot when he accidentally kill that Japanese guy, which is his opponent. He very angry already luhh. His family was damn shocked after seeing that, so as everybody over there. He and his family and of course his friend too, went to HongKong after that. They wanted to live there. I thought he was dead straight away after he get gun shot. After arrive on HK, his body was retrieve. Yah, alive back. Then he open a school, Wing Chun School at HK, teaching Martial Arts Kung Fu over there. At there, it include a student name Brunce Lee. Hmm, i just YouTube it about that school and history. Yah, their moves are exactly the same, of course.
Uhh, i think it's gonna be bored day today. Hanging out with Afique yesterday night is fun. We will always laugh/smile for no reason when we meet up. Don't know why. Haha. Went to buy Honeydew drink, then go somewhere place to relax and talk. Yeah, we like Honeydew drink since Sec 1 and meet too. Haha . Hmm, he have band, 9 in the morning until 5.30PM. Fuyohh .
But of course, i went back to sleep.
Anyway, today morning i watch "IP man" from YouTube. I was kinda bored, nth to do. That movie is based on true story siaa.. It tell us after the movie have finish. Sheesh, he sacrifice his life just to win that Japanese guy in fighting. He is very goof and highly skilled KungFu uh. They give it a chance, if that IP Man win, they will set their hometown free if i'm not wrong. The whole people was watching them fighting. Anyway, it's martial arts kung fu. Very sad ending, he get shoot when he accidentally kill that Japanese guy, which is his opponent. He very angry already luhh. His family was damn shocked after seeing that, so as everybody over there. He and his family and of course his friend too, went to HongKong after that. They wanted to live there. I thought he was dead straight away after he get gun shot. After arrive on HK, his body was retrieve. Yah, alive back. Then he open a school, Wing Chun School at HK, teaching Martial Arts Kung Fu over there. At there, it include a student name Brunce Lee. Hmm, i just YouTube it about that school and history. Yah, their moves are exactly the same, of course.
Uhh, i think it's gonna be bored day today. Hanging out with Afique yesterday night is fun. We will always laugh/smile for no reason when we meet up. Don't know why. Haha. Went to buy Honeydew drink, then go somewhere place to relax and talk. Yeah, we like Honeydew drink since Sec 1 and meet too. Haha . Hmm, he have band, 9 in the morning until 5.30PM. Fuyohh .
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Uhh, very sleepy today morning. Once i wake up, it's hard for me to sleep back even i'm still very sleepy. Sheesh, okay guess i just have to wake up, walk off from my bed uh. Soon, my mom called me, asking me if i wanna follow her to Jurong. HUH?? Aww come on.. K nevermind, i don't wanna come. Called my mom back and asking what for going there? Ohh, to see my grandpa.. Cheyy, say it earlier larhs. Blast my music playlist from my comp, go bath and waiting for my mom call again before i go out.
Hmm halfway, Rick msg me, asking me if i wanna come with them to Bugis. Not so sure if i have time. Oh, why not you guys go first, then i will come when i'm free. Oh yah, speak out the names that who are going. If all chinese, then forget it. And yeahh, he said that all is chinese, ohh nevermind then. =.= Uhh, i invite Afique luhh, if he wanna go. He reply soo late, until i have reached home, jump to my bed(Which is lying down) and almost fall asleep, then he reply. He say no moneyy. Kay uh, i give you 10cent so you will come rite? As long got money. Haha. Kay luhh nevermind. But we are going tomorrow. Going to Bugis at 7PM. He finish his CCA at 5.30, then we meet up and all at 7PM. Ask me to go Peniscular too. Duhh anything larhs ;DD. Uhh i think it's much better going at nite, soo that it won't be hot over there. Hehe :d
Hmm halfway, Rick msg me, asking me if i wanna come with them to Bugis. Not so sure if i have time. Oh, why not you guys go first, then i will come when i'm free. Oh yah, speak out the names that who are going. If all chinese, then forget it. And yeahh, he said that all is chinese, ohh nevermind then. =.= Uhh, i invite Afique luhh, if he wanna go. He reply soo late, until i have reached home, jump to my bed(Which is lying down) and almost fall asleep, then he reply. He say no moneyy. Kay uh, i give you 10cent so you will come rite? As long got money. Haha. Kay luhh nevermind. But we are going tomorrow. Going to Bugis at 7PM. He finish his CCA at 5.30, then we meet up and all at 7PM. Ask me to go Peniscular too. Duhh anything larhs ;DD. Uhh i think it's much better going at nite, soo that it won't be hot over there. Hehe :d
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Alright, just come back home from Marsling with Afique. Hmm, he just got a new school bag. Uhh, somemore is a slim bag. Is he really wanna buy that bag? for just to have that British picture? In the end, he really buy. Cost $20. Hmm, i wonder if that Takoyaki stall is still up there. But sadly, not anymore. Haiyahh. But the poster is still up hanging on the wall. -_- Uhh kay then, forget it. Off to KFC. Seating inside there like few minutes then went out. HAHA. We planning to eat Wantan and cost $3 instead of eating at KFC. That food used to be our favorite food anyway, just that soo long we didn't eat that. And we just had it today. ;D
When in the bus, Afique tell me about what he dream yesterday. Ouhh, a very stupid dream. It's about 2012 uh. He dream that the rest of his family wanna go die first by jumping down or what. Cuz some part of it already happen. Earthquakes, lava split out like that. His brother said to him that it's 2012, the end. It's better if we just die. But Afique decline it. Soo the rest of his family kabushh~. Left Afique alone. As the place getting shaky and all, a helicopter come to rescue Afique. After climbing up from the rob and all, halfway the helicopter own self crash, which is Afique is dead too by that. Ohh, good job. -.- Anyway, yeah, if i were you, i rather decline and don't go die. Sheesh, giving up already? That's mean you surrender. Hmm, Afique said that, even most of us said that 2012 is fake, hoax or something, but it will actually still happen. I agree with him, cuz i have been thinking of that too. But let's hope it will never happen aite? But it will happen. HAHA. Seriously. -.-
Alright, i wake up early in the morning, don't know why. Sheeh, went back to sleep. When i wake up, aww..
damn cold. Veryy cold. With the Fan blowing me, max somemore. Look outside, and it's raining.. No wonder lahrs. Very coldd but moree syoik. Make me more sleepy then sleep, again. HAHA. Few minutes, uhh forget it. I'm waking up. -_-
Hmm like always, using comp. Accompany my mom go Causway Point when she called me. Uhh, NOW!? I haven't bath yet luhh. In the end, she said that she just finish her work and on the way there. Lerr, then i go bath and off to Woodlands to meet my mom. First of all, yeah, need to pay the don't know, whatever bill my mom is paying, then go NTUC. ;DD Lot's of stuffs buying, but not soo many. My mom asking me, where is Chicken Stock? I was like huh?? Is it that? *Points at Chicken*. Nono, Chicken Stock larhss.. Nevermind. Few minutes, ohh i think i know what she looking for. Help her find, then there it is. My mom walk there and here, but that thing is just in the middle where i found it. -_-"
Uhh, went to KFC, buy food then goo home eat. [:
Soon, need to go Marsling with Afique. He wanna buy a bag, ask me to accompany him. Early in the morning he msg me uhh. Hahas. Sure luhh, why nott. As well as we hang out over there too. I wanna buy Takoyaki over there ;d But not so sure if the stall is still up yet, if gone, then too bad for me. :(
damn cold. Veryy cold. With the Fan blowing me, max somemore. Look outside, and it's raining.. No wonder lahrs. Very coldd but moree syoik. Make me more sleepy then sleep, again. HAHA. Few minutes, uhh forget it. I'm waking up. -_-
Hmm like always, using comp. Accompany my mom go Causway Point when she called me. Uhh, NOW!? I haven't bath yet luhh. In the end, she said that she just finish her work and on the way there. Lerr, then i go bath and off to Woodlands to meet my mom. First of all, yeah, need to pay the don't know, whatever bill my mom is paying, then go NTUC. ;DD Lot's of stuffs buying, but not soo many. My mom asking me, where is Chicken Stock? I was like huh?? Is it that? *Points at Chicken*. Nono, Chicken Stock larhss.. Nevermind. Few minutes, ohh i think i know what she looking for. Help her find, then there it is. My mom walk there and here, but that thing is just in the middle where i found it. -_-"
Uhh, went to KFC, buy food then goo home eat. [:
Soon, need to go Marsling with Afique. He wanna buy a bag, ask me to accompany him. Early in the morning he msg me uhh. Hahas. Sure luhh, why nott. As well as we hang out over there too. I wanna buy Takoyaki over there ;d But not so sure if the stall is still up yet, if gone, then too bad for me. :(
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Have lot's of mood going out todayy. But don't know larr that Rick, still at home using comp, online msn somemore. Wtheck.. I asking him and others to go Suntect City first without me. I will be there soon, i just need to meet my very old friend awhile. Standby-ing my comp then go down. After like about 1hr, i come back and he is still on. Ehkk, you really wanna go or what siahh.. Like always, he didn't reply and will be replying super late. Uhh forget it. Use comp awhile then off to sleep until at night. I wanna sleep until like 10-11+? If i can larhs. I'm soo lazy to get off my bed when i wake up. It's like take me 10-20mins for me to slack at my bed, another short nap or listening my songs from my handphone. But if waking up for school, of course i wake up on the spot.
Haiiz, never go out lerr todayy.. Soo bored. Just now afternoon, Fazlie finding problems at facebook. He suchh kaypo. It's my life, not yours right . Until Waniee join to help me. Soo what if i'm 17 and my attitude is like childish sometimes? It's because that you guys are childish-ing at me. But soo what? i'm still mature from the inside.
Haiiz, never go out lerr todayy.. Soo bored. Just now afternoon, Fazlie finding problems at facebook. He suchh kaypo. It's my life, not yours right . Until Waniee join to help me. Soo what if i'm 17 and my attitude is like childish sometimes? It's because that you guys are childish-ing at me. But soo what? i'm still mature from the inside.
Sheesh, if you guys notice when Sec 1, i'm super mature and emo actually. Easily get distracted by some of you guys.
Alright, i wanna share you with this Story of mine:
Noor finding problem with me when Sec1. He heard that my age is 15. Yeahh, when i'm Sec 1 my age is 15. Soo he begin to talk to me like gangster style during MT. I was like HUH?? I rather laugh back at him. Then he asking me why i laugh?? showing with his fierce face like that. Then he say that my age is 15, yesh but childish. Uhh kayy... Doesn't mean age tinggi2 must be gangster rite? Duhh. From there, he begin to hate me, alot. Soo do i. We both was like enemy like about 2-4 weeks like that. Or almost a month? He acting big and fierce uhh. The rest of you all, are soo okay with me. Except for Noor. All of them just watch if we both argue or something. I still remember when canteen, when i wanna seat with them after i buy the food. Noor suddenly just said, like as if he was shouting at me. "Ehkk, why seat here??" I was like what?? My prob lahh. It's not your table or whatever. Then he remain quiet. HAHA. After few weeks or almost a month, i'm getting distracted and annoying by him, i decided to tell 1 of my friend at Sec 3. Wahh, from there she just go spread the rest of my others friend who are in Sec 3/4 and some people that i don't know. The next day when i online my msn, i have some friend invitation like that, i just accept it. And they are some sec 3/4 people. Then some of my Sec 3/4 questioning me, who bully me?? Who is that person?? Who is that person name?? What is his race?? Fuyohh ! After sign in my msn, like about 4-6 pop-ups siahh. Uhh chill2, i reply back to them what they are questioning me as fast as i can. Then i feel like business man using comp. Haha. Yeahh, they asking information about Noor. Soo i give them. What he did to me and so on. Most of them become angry and asking me just to tell my form teacher. Hmm sure but i don't think i can. They force me while some of them will come up to my class to look for him anytime but don't know when they are free. Uhh kay2. I tell my form teacher the next day. Zul accompany me if i'm not wrong. Then after school, 1 of my friend and his friend, yeah 2 people, come up to my class to look for him. Uhh, half of my class already go, and of course, Noor already go. Hmm maybe they come up late? Rainn saw it then ask me what if Noor call all his gang or what then beat you up something like that? Haha, he wan act big wad, so i call all my friends lorr. The next day, he just remain quiett at me. Ohh good. The first thing i know is that, i think my form teacher already talk to him, with her angry face. And for sure my teacher is talking about me. Then i heard from Rainn that Noor salam 1 of my friend that looking for him yesterday. Ohh, they know each other. And he already said not to disturb me anymore. Yahh not bad, he stop disturbing me, annoying me and irritates me. Soon, he understand about me and we become normal friend back. But we didn't talk alot, sometimes only. Hmm, by now, most of them already in ITE. Haiiz, i really miss all of them. Most of them is my primary sch friends larhs. They kinda shocked that they see me at Sec 1 Camp. I was just passing by, looking for the damn toilet with my friend. Halfway running/jogging, 1 of them said, "ehkk Shahezee..!!" Turn around and ohh, it's her. My old friend of course. And some of my oldd friend are same class with her, looking at me and smiling. They were queuing outside the class. Ohh, hellos. Slowly2, i meet some of them when i pass by their classes. Then they wanna help me with my studies if i have difficulty.
Alright, i wanna share you with this Story of mine:
Noor finding problem with me when Sec1. He heard that my age is 15. Yeahh, when i'm Sec 1 my age is 15. Soo he begin to talk to me like gangster style during MT. I was like HUH?? I rather laugh back at him. Then he asking me why i laugh?? showing with his fierce face like that. Then he say that my age is 15, yesh but childish. Uhh kayy... Doesn't mean age tinggi2 must be gangster rite? Duhh. From there, he begin to hate me, alot. Soo do i. We both was like enemy like about 2-4 weeks like that. Or almost a month? He acting big and fierce uhh. The rest of you all, are soo okay with me. Except for Noor. All of them just watch if we both argue or something. I still remember when canteen, when i wanna seat with them after i buy the food. Noor suddenly just said, like as if he was shouting at me. "Ehkk, why seat here??" I was like what?? My prob lahh. It's not your table or whatever. Then he remain quiet. HAHA. After few weeks or almost a month, i'm getting distracted and annoying by him, i decided to tell 1 of my friend at Sec 3. Wahh, from there she just go spread the rest of my others friend who are in Sec 3/4 and some people that i don't know. The next day when i online my msn, i have some friend invitation like that, i just accept it. And they are some sec 3/4 people. Then some of my Sec 3/4 questioning me, who bully me?? Who is that person?? Who is that person name?? What is his race?? Fuyohh ! After sign in my msn, like about 4-6 pop-ups siahh. Uhh chill2, i reply back to them what they are questioning me as fast as i can. Then i feel like business man using comp. Haha. Yeahh, they asking information about Noor. Soo i give them. What he did to me and so on. Most of them become angry and asking me just to tell my form teacher. Hmm sure but i don't think i can. They force me while some of them will come up to my class to look for him anytime but don't know when they are free. Uhh kay2. I tell my form teacher the next day. Zul accompany me if i'm not wrong. Then after school, 1 of my friend and his friend, yeah 2 people, come up to my class to look for him. Uhh, half of my class already go, and of course, Noor already go. Hmm maybe they come up late? Rainn saw it then ask me what if Noor call all his gang or what then beat you up something like that? Haha, he wan act big wad, so i call all my friends lorr. The next day, he just remain quiett at me. Ohh good. The first thing i know is that, i think my form teacher already talk to him, with her angry face. And for sure my teacher is talking about me. Then i heard from Rainn that Noor salam 1 of my friend that looking for him yesterday. Ohh, they know each other. And he already said not to disturb me anymore. Yahh not bad, he stop disturbing me, annoying me and irritates me. Soon, he understand about me and we become normal friend back. But we didn't talk alot, sometimes only. Hmm, by now, most of them already in ITE. Haiiz, i really miss all of them. Most of them is my primary sch friends larhs. They kinda shocked that they see me at Sec 1 Camp. I was just passing by, looking for the damn toilet with my friend. Halfway running/jogging, 1 of them said, "ehkk Shahezee..!!" Turn around and ohh, it's her. My old friend of course. And some of my oldd friend are same class with her, looking at me and smiling. They were queuing outside the class. Ohh, hellos. Slowly2, i meet some of them when i pass by their classes. Then they wanna help me with my studies if i have difficulty.
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